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Let nature lead

We need the UK Government to Think Big and Act Wild for nature, people and planet.

Grey whale tail
 © Jan Dirk Hansen / Shutterstock

It’s time for a wilder future

The UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world with just half (53%) of its biodiversity remaining, a figure that places us in the bottom 10%[1] of the world’s countries for the state of our nature.

We need our government to make radical changes to reverse this decline, and commit to nature recovery through dedicating 30% of land and seas to rewilding by 2030.

Act wild

Join over 18,000 others and sign our petition asking the government to let nature lead.


think politicians should be doing more to reverse the decline of nature in Britain*

By working with nature rather than against it, rewilding offers hope and the opportunity to give nature (and us) a chance. It can help us transition to a nature-rich, low-carbon future while delivering real, locally generated benefits today. These benefits include carbon storage, climate resilience, thriving biodiversity, vibrant green economies, local livelihoods, flood mitigation, healthier air, water and soils, and improved health and wellbeing.

We estimate around 1% of Britain is currently rewilding and we need our government to put rewilding 30% of land and seas as a top priority. We’ve done the hard work for political leaders and created the 30% Rewilding Manifesto to enable the government to act swiftly and decisively to protect, restore and rewild nature in Britain.

Our 30% rewilding manifesto

Our manifesto has five key calls to action to create positive and inclusive change on land and at sea:

  1. Rapidly deliver 30% rewilding by 2030: Catalyse rewilding to help us transition to a nature-rich, low-carbon future while delivering real, locally-generated benefits today.
  2. Expand nature-based jobs and businesses: Incentivise and invest in nature-based economies linked to rewilding as part of a just, green transition.
  3. Make wild nature a right for all: Improve access to and restore our connection with wilder nature to benefit all our health and wellbeing.
  4. Empower communities to lead rewilding: Place people and communities at the heart of decisions about our land and seas and its recovery.
  5. Create a game-changing shift in rewilding funding and investment: Drive long-term, sustainable, public and private investment into 30% rewilding delivery within a financial system that values and invests in nature.

Read our Rewilding manifesto in full.

Tree monitoring Scotland
 © Mark Hamblin /

What is rewilding?

Rewilding is about hope for tackling the nature and climate emergencies, whilst delivering a wide range of benefits for people and local communities. It is the large-scale restoration of nature until it can take care of itself — and us — again. In a world wrecked by biodiversity loss, habitat destruction and climate breakdown, rewilding can replenish nature’s remarkable web of life — restoring habitats, natural processes, and the diversity and abundance of native species.

Take action for nature

Thank you for acting wild.

Eurasian lynx

Sign the petition

Join over 18,000 others and sign our petition to bring the Rewilding Manifesto to the attention of the government.

Add your voice
Poster post election

Spread the word

Encourage others to stand up for nature by using our readymade social media assets and poster to champion this campaign.

Download the pack

*Polling from YouGov Plc on behalf of Rewilding Britain. Total sample size was 2,211 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 12 – 13 June 2024. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all UK adults (aged 18+).