Bamff Estate
An eco-estate on the edge of the Scottish Highlands, well known for its beaver project and abundant wildlife.

The Bamff Estate is an eco-estate located right on the edge of the Scottish Highlands. The restoration of Bamff began in the early 1990s with the recreation of wetlands and planting of native woodlands. In 2002, beavers were introduced to the estate — a demonstration project for Scotland. This species has transformed the landscape, creating new wetlands through the creation of dams and restoring biodiversity to the woodland. The estate has also begun to develop an inspiring programme of shared learning on beavers in the landscape.
Bamff is funded through a combination of farming practices as well as eco-tourism, such as holiday lets and beaver tours. The estate is located right on the line between the Highlands and hill habitats, providing a diversity of interesting habitat types and wildlife.
The estate is about to enter an exciting new phase, with plans to build on the existing rewilding area to create a new wild land. This will focus on extensive grazing with cattle, pigs and ponies to restore wood pasture. Nature will be put back in charge, and the project will withdraw human influences, whilst continuing to produce high quality food.
Kick-Starting Rewilding
Proposals are being developed for a new wild land area. This will replace existing grazing with extensive grazing using a diversity of herbivores — cattle, ponies and pigs. Fences will be removed to allow free movement of animals, and natural regeneration will be encouraged. Additional native tree planting will be undertaken to strengthen natural regeneration areas.
© Bamff Estate -
© Bamff Estate -
© Bamff Estate & Dave Maric -
© Bamff Estate & Dave Maric -
© Bamff Estate & Dave Maric
future plans
- Creation of new wildland
- Removal of further fences for extensive grazing
- Introduction of low density large herbivores to restore wood pasture, including cattle, pigs and horses
- Encourage further natural regeneration of woodland
- Expand nature based enterprise, including high quality meat production

The Rewilding Network
The Rewilding Network is the go-to place for projects across Britain to connect, share and make rewilding happen on land and sea.
More about Bamff Estate
Find out more about Bamff Estate on their website.