Benshaw Moor
Wild Uplands: Rewilding upland heathland and peatland.

In 2019, Northumberland Wildlife Trust purchased Benshaw Moor after a successful public appeal, making it one of the newest reserves for the Trust. The upland site is remote and wild. There are no paths or recreational infrastructure available, but the site is open access. It supports blanket bog habitats to a depth of 4.5m indicating the age of the blanket bog on site, with a mosaic of marshy grassland, acid flushes, mire and heathland, as well as burns and a limestone stepped waterfall.
Prior to its purchase the site was grazed by sheep and was subject to occasional burning and driven grouse shooting. The Wildlife Trust are working with a group of dedicated volunteers to collect biodiversity data about the site and will use this information to develop the rewilding strategy for the project. The overall aim will be to allow nature the space to create a mosaic of species rich habitats across the reserve. Volunteers will also help with livestock checks, undertaking maintenance and running guided walks in the future. The project is also linked to the Revitalising Redesdale landscape scale Heritage lottery fund project.
Sheep grazing was removed from the site and all burning ceased to allow vegetation to naturally regenerate. The project team plan to introduce low numbers of native ponies and cattle to extensively graze the site to encourage a mosaic of habitat type and structure. In addition to grazers, some areas of Sitka spruce have been removed from the site to encourage native regeneration. Habitat restoration to the peatland will also be undertaken to include grip blocking – this will restore wetter areas to the peat and repair the current damage.
A small area of the project will continue to be managed for ground nesting birds, including curlew.
future plans
- Surveys across the project area continue to understand the site and its wildlife to inform future plans for the project
- Continue to link to the Revitalising Redesdale landscape scale project

The Rewilding Network
The Rewilding Network is the go-to place for projects across Britain to connect, share and make rewilding happen on land and sea.
More about Benshaw Moor
Find out more about Benshaw Moor on their website.