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The Rewilding Network

The Rewilding Network supports a growing movement of rewilding practitioners across Britain, wherever they are in their journey to restore nature.

Rewilding Network event group by bridge
 © James Street
Dayshul brake rewilding cluster
 © Martin Wright

About the Rewilding Network

Supported by Rewilding Britain, the Network helps practitioners who are rewilding on land or at sea to connect, share experiences, ideas and expertise. Working together is crucial if we’re to respond at the scale and speed urgently required.

Its members – including landowners, land managers, farmers, tenants, estate owners, non-governmental organisations and community groups – are playing a vital role in addressing biodiversity loss and climate breakdown. Their work to restore nature at scale is creating economic transformations of rural and coastal communities.

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Network in Numbers

RB icon land woodland

171611 HA

Land in rewilding flourishing

RB icon marine

506 KM2

Seabed in rewilding recovering



Member projects supported


44 +

Initiatives funded to boost rewilding

Explore rewilding projects

See who's rewilding across Britain – from the coast of Cornwall right up to the Highlands of Scotland – how they're doing it, and which ones you could visit.

Discover a world of rewilding
A map of Britain marked with pins to indicate the locations of members within the Rewilding Network

A growing movement

Rewilding Britain - Our Rewilding Network
Members explain just how vital the Network is to their mission.
Konik horses on peak

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Discover a world of rewilding across Britain, from member projects to local rewilding groups.

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Volunteers surveying the land

Join the Network

Connect with other practitioners who are rewilding, share knowledge and experience, and access help and advice.

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Guided walk

Explore local networks

See if there’s a local rewilding network where you live, connecting communities and landowners.

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